Innovación y tecnología

Innovating for an elderly future

It has been a tendency in the last couple of years that the global population aged as twice as the world wide population back in 1980. It is expected that by 2030, according to the United Nations World Population Ageing report the elderly population will surpass the children under age 10 (1.41 billion vs 1.35 billion) and the youth 10-24...

Inteligencia artificial, ¿un problema actual o futurista?

Lo hemos visto en películas apocalípticas o videojuegos de ciencia ficción; sin embargo, la humanidad ya ha sido testigo de las primeras controversias desatadas del poder que puede llegar a tener la IA sobre la raza humana. Es oportuno empezar a preguntarnos si serán estas generaciones las primeras en presenciar una verdadera lucha de la humanidad contra robots al mero...

Your cellphone is listening to you!

You just had a conversation with a friend about a new pair of jeans that you wanted to buy and on the other day you encounter advertisement from Levis and GAP about their brand new jean collection on your Facebook homepage. Have you ever wondered why some advertisement showing up on Facebook are matching with your (oral) conversations? There is no...