Business responsibility before a disruptive stage

Business responsibility before a disruptive stage

Stating that change came and broke work schemes in businesses may be risky if we consider that this only depends on the sector in which it is mentioned. The possibility of working from home has proved that digital assistants may carry out commercial activities, decreasing the cost of mobility. Work tourism is considerably reduced. The construction of new living areas will contemplate spaces for home offices. There is now a new challenge in human resources: the possibility to have highly qualified personnel without the high costs of moving. Businesses must now invest in information systems, including cybersecurity if they wish to survive.

Entrepreneurship in services must change their goals and channels to reach potential customers, taking into account that the risk of not implementing technology into their services will make them slowly disappear. In another aspect, personal data management is becoming more sensible, and businesses must understand the regulations and have strict control of this type of information.

Companies will have to face the challenges of retraining their business leaders, if the consequences of the isolation and social distancing that the health crisis are considered, working as a team at different times and with the inherent risks of technology management. Social entrepreneurship has new opportunities for companies that are forced to change their focus on the new generations that will be their customers for the next 20 years. Topics such as energy security, new local consumption patterns, economy management in corporations, technology as a base that sustains economic life, social inequality inherent in technological illiteracy, the gradual change from manual labor to the use of production technologies in economically sensitive sectors, changes the outlook of wealth and opportunity distribution, credibility and reputational risk for companies, turning them into recurring themes in the leadership crises they will face at a global level (Maryse Robert).

The responsibility of companies will be to implement inclusive organizational systems that maximize their products and services under the criteria of social and environmental responsibility, considering that their future and potential customers in the next 20 years are a population that faced an unprecedented health crisis which, combined with a world economic crisis, will make the business sector reconstruct their growth goals in function with the new way to provide services and products according to good business, social and environmental practices. Another factor to reconsider is the change of population makeup because of the health crisis. It will be the responsibility of the new world business leaders to take conclusive actions to include the most vulnerable sectors or face a negative change and deeper economic and environmental crisis.

Author: Dr. Elizabeth Espinosa Monroy


Código de edificación de vivienda. Recuperado de

La responsabilidad social corporativa. Recuperado de sarial-en-tiempo-de-crisis

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Pérez, M. J., Espinoza, C. y Peralta, B. (2016). La responsabilidad social empresarial y su enfoque ambiental: una visión sostenible a futuro. Revista Universidad y Sociedad, 8(3), 169-178. Recuperado de g=es&tlng=es

About the author:

Dr. Elizabeth Espinosa Monroy. Full-time professor of the Law Department at Universidad de las Américas Puebla. Ph.D. in Law from Universidad Panamericana. Master’s in Law from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Author of the book “Paradigmas educativos en el derecho” and collaborator in specialized legal journals and digital communication media.

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