Author - Contexto UDLAP

Innovation in intelligent destinations

Following-up on the intelligent destinations topic, we will now discuss innovation. Without question it is equally as important as the technology axis, and in my opinion, the great challenge of Mexican destinations, as it forces them to reconceive the tourism sector, focusing on the tourist as the central axis. This is tourism disruption. This paradigm change implies new business models,...

Business responsibility before a disruptive stage

Stating that change came and broke work schemes in businesses may be risky if we consider that this only depends on the sector in which it is mentioned. The possibility of working from home has proved that digital assistants may carry out commercial activities, decreasing the cost of mobility. Work tourism is considerably reduced. The construction of new living areas...

Restableciendo en mis colaboradores su paz interior

Las organizaciones han vivido desafíos y cambios significativos en estos últimos meses; primero replantearse cómo operar ante el confinamiento y ahora la estrategia para regresar exitosamente a los lugares de trabajo. En el eje de este proceso están los colaboradores junto con sus líderes; al igual que toda la sociedad, hemos estado expuestos a situaciones complicadas en nuestras vidas, como...