
Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of Completed Suicides in Mexico City 2014–2015

Introduction Suicide is a major worldwide public concern that causes almost half of all violent deaths of males and 71% in the female population, which translates to about 800,000 suicides per year (1). In Mexico, suicide rates have been increasing over the past 40 years, affecting more men than women (2). The suicide rate for...

Mexico, Globalizing Cities and Internal Migration: the case of Monterrey

Tesis digitales UDLAP Introduction Migration has been, is and will continue to be a topic of great importance for many countries in the years to come. It is through migration that the world has come to be as diverse as we know it. Due to the fact that political, social, and economic production has become mobile, population “flows rather than territory are...

Las 5 claves para atraer turismo chino a México

Redes sociales chinas, entender su comportamiento, entre otras. El número de turistas chinos que viajan al extranjero ha aumentado considerablemente en los últimos 15 años. 145 millones de chinos viajaron fuera de su país en el 2017. Se espera que para el año 2030 representen el 25% del tráfico turístico mundial. Sin embargo, podemos ver en las estadísticas que menos de 1%...