
Robots Industriales y Telecomunicaciones en la Automatización Industrial

La robótica y las telecomunicaciones se han convertido en áreas estratégicas para el desarrollo del país y del estado de Puebla. Diversos sectores público, privado y social (p. ej., automotriz, industrial, salud, transporte-vehículos autónomos, telecomunicaciones, entretenimiento, manufactura, automatización de almacenes, cirugía robótica, alimentos y bebidas, plásticos y productos químicos, entre otros) demandan profesionistas con perfiles que incluyan automatización con robots,...

Ulysses Syndrome: Predisposition in Latin American Immigrants

According to the International Organization for Migration (IOM) (2019), migration is defined as a movement of people (migrants) from their normal place of residence, through international borders or in their own country. Migration today represents a topic of interest in all countries, especially for developed and developing countries, since developed countries are the main receivers of migrants and developing countries...

Toxicity Reduction of Phenolic Compounds in Water Systems by Yeasts

This video was part of the poster presented at the 61st Annual Meeting and ToxExpo at the Society of Toxicology, held from March 27 - 31, 2022 in San Diego, California. Valérie Pihen obtained the 2022 International Ph.D. Student Travel Award from the Hispanic Organization of Toxicologists. As the video shows, the objective of the study was to evaluate the use...